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About Us

Together We Make A Difference In Lives

Our Team

General Mahesh Senanayake

Former Commander of the Sri Lanka Army

Bandula Gunawardane

Retired Public Health Tutor

Priyalal Liyanage

Secretary to Lifeline Hope Foundation
Retired Engineer

Preethi Ramanayake

Treasurer to Lifeline Hope Foundation
Former Uni Lecturer, Teacher educator

Sarathchandra Liyanage

Attorney at-law

Ravi Seneviratne

Bank Internal Auditor (Dubai, U.A.E.)

Jayantha Kumarapeli

Procurement Officer (Canada)

Kushani Kumarapeli

Customer Service Executive (Canada)

Dr. Priyadarshani Godigamuwa

Doctor (Perth, Australia)

Chairman’s Message

The long suffering period of a cancer patient will certainly create physical and mental agony to the diseased himself while the whole family will experience financial difficulties. The condition of a terminally ill state is quite unbearable. It is the most demanding hour that help is needed to lift the courage and the confidence of the patient as well as the family members and bring back hope and revival. Our desire is to relieve them of their unfortunate, sorrowful, desperate situation by providing them with Medicare, food or any other palliative care support, through humanitarian care initiatives. The Lifeline Hope Foundation emerged to meet this challenge with utmost dedication.
LHF is committed to commence support by visiting the diseased at their homes to assess their social and financial status, once the terminally ill cancer patient is discharged from the hospital. Apeksha Hospital is our main source of information. Our team that conducts the preliminary investigation will submit their findings to the executive board of the LHF. Following the approval and recommendations of the director board the care action will begin. The required support may vary from food, Medicare nutritional supplements, sanitary requisite, transport facilities for hospital visits and any recreational arrangements etc.
Quite often the patients’ family is in distress and in a desperate mood due to the prolonged duration of the illness. The LHF will intervene and assist the householders across counselling and suitable recreational agenda to overcome their dejected mood and to face any social encumbrance. The LHF will always look after any cancer patient with physical disabilities and provide them with special needs.
The Lifeline Hope Foundation palliative home care programme is a comprehensive patient care support programme in which we focus on improving and maintaining a complacent living for the terminally ill cancer patients. The LHF wishes to extend home care support to all the patients notified by the Apeksha Hospital. Unfortunately, we experienced several setbacks due to the resource limitations while handling an unexpected number of patients. Finally, we had to review our capabilities and come to a conclusion to operate on a monthly fixed number of beneficiaries from January 2024. We intend to increase the number of
 beneficiaries per month, depending on the resources made available by our generous donors and agencies in the future.
Our team of the LHF is supporting the home care programme and our
 philanthropist donors always give us strength to launch and continue this noble cause. We look forward to our contended donors and sponsor organizations to support our ongoing and future programmes in order to bring some more relief to the unfortunate victims and also to make our Palliative Care Project a real success. With the anticipated assistance, our objective is to increase the number of beneficiaries in the years to come.
Thanks to all our Lifeline Hope Foundation supporters, donors and sponsor agencies.

Bandula Gunawardane

Retired Public Health Tutor

Advisor’s Message

I am pleased to extend my highest compliments to Lifeline Hope Foundation for their noble commitment and exemplary humanity for creating the Lifeline Hope Foundation to help palliative patients and their families in Sri Lanka.
Lifeline Hope Foundation has been rendering its noble service to the economically, physically, and emotionally affected people ever since its inception receiving continuous support from the corporate entities, philanthropic organization, and generous individuals, sensitive to the misery caused by cancer.
At Lifeline Hope Foundation, it is our conviction that no one should ever be deprived of emotional and economic hardships. The foundation understands that the fight against palliative diagnosis requires the support and collective participation of the entire community. We believe that together we are worth far more than the sum of our individual parts. Our goal is to build a bridge to hope, dignity and life.
I have been presented with an opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder with a team of dynamic individuals in the Lifeline Hope Foundation. Our mission is clear: To create a supportive revolution that gives every palliative patient the opportunity to live and overcome hardships. We find ways to bridge the gap and extend emotional and economic support at difficult times. There are people with us today, who would not be here without our efforts, because hope breeds possibility.
I am counting on you to join us in the fight against cancer, and to give hope for a cure to the tens of thousands of cancer patients who need us, depend on us and put their trust in us.

General Mahesh Senanayake

Former Commander
the Sri Lanka Army